basic of html and its tags

basic of html and its tags

In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), tags are used to define the structure and elements of a web page. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and typically come in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag. The content between the opening and closing tags represents the element or structure being defined.

Here are some commonly used HTML tags:

  1. <html>: Represents the root element of an HTML page.

  2. <head>: Contains metadata about the HTML document, such as the title and links to stylesheets.

  3. <title>: Defines the title of the HTML document, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab.

  4. <body>: Contains the main content of the HTML document, such as text, images, and other elements.

  5. <h1> to <h6>: Heading tags used to define different levels of headings, with <h1> being the highest level and <h6> being the lowest.

  6. <p>: Defines a paragraph.

  7. <a>: Creates a hyperlink, allowing you to link to other web pages or resources.

  8. <img>: Embeds an image in the HTML document.

  9. <ul>: Defines an unordered (bulleted) list.

  10. <ol>: Defines an ordered (numbered) list.

  11. <li>: Represents a list item within <ul> or <ol>.

  12. <div>: Defines a division or section of an HTML document, often used for layout purposes.

  13. <span>: Defines an inline element for styling or targeting specific content.

  14. <table>: Creates a table for tabular data.

  15. <tr>: Defines a table row.

  16. <td>: Defines a table cell within a row.

These are they important tags in html two know every devloper